![Black Audio Society [workshop] - Session 1](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57f41f4846c3c4b4ece8f366/1742824995029-3WRVXM7E5P2449EWDX5L/BAS+workshop+graphic.png)
Black Audio Society [workshop] - Session 1
The Black Audio Society[workshop] is a 4 week communal exchange dedicated to exploring art-as-research and social practice. We’ll situate ourselves with current events, and evaluate strategies for politically inclined art-making practice. Music and nightlife is what I know best, so this colors my approach and the way I think about arts economies and the politics therein. Despite this, any insight gained from this workshop is widely applicable and may be most relevant to artists early in their professional career, current students, and grassroots organizers.
We’ll meet virtually for four days, for an hour and a half each session.